is a lot less fun when your favourite shoes have been perforated with several huge holes due to seven years of every-day wearout. My second pair of Doc Marten's have been damaged beyond tolerance.
So I'd like to get myself a new pair. Well, that is rather a question of needing than of wanting.

is a lot less fun when your favourite shoes have been perforated with several huge holes due to seven years of every-day wearout. My second pair of Doc Marten's have been damaged beyond tolerance.
So I'd like to get myself a new pair. Well, that is rather a question of needing than of wanting.
There are so many new lovely colours I can hardly resist, but the good old classic black 8-eyes and me, that's a special romance which will probably last till the day I die.
Breaking them in will cause lots of pain, but one knows what for, right? :)
There is also this x-ray boyfriends jersey blazer at Topshop's.... *bites lip*
I can't help imagining these two with black or grey drainpipe jeans and a tight white longshirt and then going for a ride on the skateboard. Yeah.
Hell yes, I need that one, too.
No way out.
Haha, I know summer has not even truly arrived yet, but I can't wait for autumn to come *cheers*
I wish the world could just leave out summer and winter. I can't make any use of temperatures under 5 ° and over 15 ° C.
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