Sunday, June 21, 2009

This was my attempt

of creating an outfit for a goth party, woohoo.
Looks rather anti.
Dressing goth has become quite difficult to me, as I hardly ever feel like it any more.

Sry for the quality. I was at a friend's and hadn't brought my camera.

Shoes: old worn out Dr. Marten's
Lace Leggings and Paris print vest: Topshop
Jacket: ? (around 7 years old I guess)
Shorts: ""

I wish there were much more lace available. I'd like to wear lace bras under lace bodies under lace leggings and lace dresses and... Well, I'm too much into lace.

Btw, I'm going to travel to Paris at the end of August yeaaaah.


  1. die neue haarfarbe steht dir so gut! und ich bin neidisch auf paris. ich war ewig nicht da...

  2. Vielen Dank <3
    oh ich freu mich auch soooo. ich war sogar noch NIE da. Iwie weiß ich aber, dass ich es lieben werde
